Art Wednesday - Eddy in the Sun

I’m ¾ of the way through Twilight. Eddy just showed the damsel what he looked like in the sunlight. (I can't yet give a full critique of the book, because I’ll probably get hung, but at least I’ll say I wish there was more action and less gushy, mushy, cruddy discussion of their immature relationship.) Here is Eddy from the film and the way I think they should have made him in the sunlight.


erica said...

HAAHAAAHAHAHA!!!! thanks. I can't wait to hear the full review.

Life Travels with the Parental Units said...

I think my full review also can't be posted - or I would be hung also.

B and B said...

The first book is really mushy... but give it a chance because the other ones become more action packed and less 'lovey' (except the 4th one is pretty lovey).
They are not WONDERFULLY FANTASTIC to me... but they are entertaining.

MA said...

You are very creative... and a touch crazy!(You crack me up!)