Philosophy Thursday - Ambigrams

I read Angels and Demons a while back and loved the idea of ambigrams. The title of the new movie in the promo posters is an ambigram. Ambigrams read the same updside down. I thought it would be fun to try it out. Here are my first two attempts and the one from Angles and Demons and then one more just for fun.

Friday - another movie review

Twilight – better than expected because it was better than the book. (running through the forest and climbing trees was a little lame). I read the book and would rather ram a wooden stake through my own chest than hear one more gooey account of Edward’s beauty. Plus, like most people out there, I try to identify with the main character. Since I’m a guy, I naturally try and identify with Eddy. I thought they did a lousy job casting Edwardo and thought this would be a better promo poster.

Friday Movie Review - Australia

Australia – boring. There are many movies that have two or three themes: rascism, religion, social class prejudices, history and war. And then, to make those themes more interesting, they throw in some romance and action. The problem with Australia is that the romance and action aren’t enough to make it interesting. They should have taken my long standing advice and intertwined some other twists: instead of herding cattle, they could herd velociraptors. Instead of the Japanese attacking in WWII, it could have been the midget cyborgs returning from Uranus. Instead of the Aboriginal king using mystic abilities, why not give him a magic wand and a talking kangaroo sidekick. I wouldn’t even mind if there was a brief disclaimer by the director at the beginning of the movie declaring that his movie is based on true events and people, EXCEPT for the raptors, midget Uranian cyborgs, magic kings and talking kangaroos. I’d go see that movie twice. Here is my personalized promo-poster.

Philosophy Thursday - Mountain Biking in Fruita and Moab

Here is the list of trails we rode last weekend:
  • Kessel Run in Fruita
  • Joes Ridge in Fruita
  • Zippity Do Dah in Fruita
  • Horsethief in Fruita
  • Porcupine Rim in Moab
  • Mack's Ridge in Fruita
You can find Youtube movies of all of them. Here are two:

Joe's Ridge

Zippity Doo Dah

Moab is the meca of mountain biking, but I honestly think Fruita is just as good if not better.

No one got hurt. Here are some extra photos.

If you want to see all the photos and a couple movies, go here.

Drawing/Art Wednesday - Cartoon Sylar

I've been inspired by a couple people I know to dabble in caricatures. Where do you draw the line with how far to accentuate their traits? Here are four different sketch tests of Sylar from Heroes. Below is the reference.