20 Wishes

My Mom and Dad are reading a book about 20 wishes and came up with lists for themselves. Here are my 20 wishes (not necessarily in prioritized order):

  1. To know Christ (currently doing)
  2. To wake up every morning and see Andi next to me (currently doing)
  3. Have my kids get married in the temple
  4. To always be a humble, willing, honest and charitable servant of God (striving towards)
  5. Be healthy enough to always run at least a 10K (maintaining)
  6. Publish a book (working on it)
  7. Own a motorcycle
  8. Go skydiving more
  9. Go scuba diving more
  10. Learn to play the piano (took a lesson with Grandma Baker in 1991 – I need to work on this one)
  11. Sell a screenplay (working on it)
  12. Learn to sail
  13. To have a warehouse sized garage to store toys and build stuff: bikes, cabinets, airplanes, cars, motorcycles, boats, tree houses, cyborgs (I currently have a cardboard box in the laundry room)
  14. To be the world champion of Super Mario Cart (I don’t even own a Nintendo)
  15. To find a dinosaur bone
  16. To drive a European sports car on the autobahn
  17. To always play with legos, ride bikes, watch Star Wars, play card games, and go camping (currently doing)
  18. To have time to read at least one book per week (I barely have time to read one book per month)
  19. To be able to eat anything I want and as much as I want without physical consequences (I think I would need to run a lot more than a 10K every day)
  20. To never say or do anything that would make people hate me and to make sure that everyone knows, no matter what they’ve said or done to me, that I don’t hate them. I don’t even hold a grudge. Even if I think of the most villainest, ignorant, vitiating, senseless, selfish things people have done to me, (I can’t even think of anything off the top of my head) I wouldn’t hold it against them. My wish is that they know that.

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