Nanowrimo - Updated

I'm up to 5000 words. I'm supposed to be around 25,000 words by now. I hope to make up some of that ground this weekend.
Quick research question: out of our 5 senses, pain is obviously felt the most with our sense of touch. But what does pain look like? Or what do your eyes see when you are feeling intense pain and your eyes are closed? Does pain have a smell or taste? Does it have a sound? Are there any other sensations or feelings associated with pain?

I wrote one section about a Canafantine Warrior who learns to deal with pain. I'll have to post it sometime, but I don't want it to influence anyone's response to my questions above.

I did see these pictures on the net and I thought they were good representations of what I think pain looks like.


Life Travels with the Parental Units said...

Pain is more intense in the dark. Dealing with pain - you must keep your eyes open.

I think pain has a color - I think it is bright and sharp. But I think aches are darker and more subdued.

Aches also have a sound - pulsing and rythmic - almost an un-sound - but it is there. Pain is higher andlouder as the pain gets worse - shall we say it is a scream - no I think it is more of a constant, so that to control the pain you could learn to not hear the sound.

Pain leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Sugar doesn't releave it.Spitting might for a little while. Chocolate does - but it is not the taste it is curing, it is the endorphins that chocolate stimutates. Anything that can stimulate endorphins would help.

Smell is the most dangerous. There is a smell but most people can sense it, but a creature can - especially a hunting creature. Control the pain and the small will not give you away.

Jackary said...

Good question. Never really thought about it. If pain had a taste it would be sour cause every time I eat sour candy or even think about eating a warhead I get that sharp pain in your jaw. Some may think of it as spicy though to but that has no effect on me.

A thumping sound is what it would sound like. like the pounding of a drum with no rythum at all and maybe a really out of tune clarinet or saxaphone mixed in!!

When I think of pain I think of deep reds and black. Like A burn or blood.

Andrea (the Mom) said...

I think pain is that painting only with thicker lines. I don't think all pain has that crazy, fast panicky feel, either. Some pain is low and slow and covers you like a heavy blanket on a very hot day. Pain tastes coppery..oh no that's blood...pain tastes like ice...cold and empty...i guess that is not really a taste...I will get back to you on that.

erica said...

pain has color. for me it is the type of pain. dull pain is gray. sharp pain is orange and brown. headache pain is white and black. that would be my sense of sight.

sound and smell - pain sounds and smells like the world around you, amplified. when you hurt, all the sounds seem to pierce your ears with an intensity to match the pain. the smells that may have once brought joy, now seem to nauseate.

taste - pain tastes like bad morning breath and blood.

touch - pain hurts. to me, the most intense pain is something like a whole body charlie horse. it feels like you are being twisted and pressed and stabbed. like a piece of silly putty in the hands of a toddler.