Nanowrimo Update - Finishing In November?

If I have an hour to sit and type, I can knock out at least 1,000 words in an hour. The problem with Nanowrimo (national novel writing month) is that it puts all my attention on how fast I can type crud. The idea isn't quality, it is quantity (50,000 words). I just can't devote that much time, pride and hopefully passion into something that is too embarrasing for anyone else to read. If I was doing this purely for myself, then I'd just leave it up in my nogin.

I re-read what I have already written in the Canafantine Story and now re-written most of it so that it sucks less. Despite the depressing reality that writing a novel is harder than I originally thought, I'm having a really fun time. Here is a list of the other novels I already started or outlined:
  • Rob and the King (Squirrel Story)
  • Rob and the Queen (Squirrel Story II)
  • Quantum Cowboy (Space Cowboy)
  • Communiphrenia ('crazy' adventure of Charlie Conway)
  • Transporphrenia (more 'crazy' adventures of Charlie Conway)
  • Canafantines part I (I'm writing part II first)

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