Philosophy Thursday - Mercy and Justice vs ???

In the Spring 2008 General Conference, Elder Lance B. Wickman said, "Mortality is the battlefield upon which justice and mercy meet. But they need not meet as adversaries, for they are reconciled in the Atonement of Jesus Christ for all who wisely use Today."

If mercy and justice are on the same team, I wondered what their adversary is: Tyranny, cruelty, ignorance, procrastination, unforgiveness, apathy, deceit...?

It also made me think of this quick sketch of Lady Justice standing on Death's robe.
Is it depicting reality or is it depicting how society acts?


erica said...

did you draw the quick sketch? I think the opposite of mercy is hypocracy and the opposite of justice is pride...or rather not the opposite but the principles gone bad.

The Mighty Yam said...

Yeah this is my quick sketch. I like the ideas of principles gone bad.