Oct. 4 - 3 more days of Halloween: faces, puppets and gorillas

This was another follow-up sketch I did for Aaron last year.

Another sketch for Aaron in 2009 of Gretchen the Puppet Master. I don't know the story behind this picture.

I am most afraid of gorillas. I don't know if it is because I consider them to be powerful and intelligent or if it is because of that Donald Duck cartoon I saw when I was 5 years old where a gorilla gets loose from the zoo. I remember living in Prescott, AZ, during my kindergarten age and never having the courage to push open the blinds on my window at night for fear that a hulking black gorilla would be millimeters from the other side of the window, staring at me with bloodshot eyes, like the one from the Donald Duck cartoon.

What animal are you most afraid of?